Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Mosley vs. Mayweather – Were you really impressed?

Honestly, what has happened to boxing in the past, 10-15 years? Have we been spoiled by witnessing the Ali, Holmes, Fraizer, and Tyson fights of old? What about the Leonard, Spinks, and HitMan Hearns battles? Or even the classic Summer Olympic battles which featured stars before they became stars?

Boxing has literally turned from old school street brawls to sweaty men hugging after Round 4. I will admit, this fight may have been more entertaining than some I have witnessed in recent history, but I am still left with a sour taste. Fights have become good only for the parties that surround them.

Recently I was watching old Ali fights on one of ESPN’s 37 channels and was enthralled at what I witnessed. Ali was more than simply devastating, he was entertaining. Name one person, since Mike Tyson, that can fit that category. Tyson was so entertaining that he heightened an awesome Hangover movie that was eagerly anticipated as is. Now the rumor mill is saying that Tyson will be guest starring on The Entourage’s upcoming season.

As for boxing today, I’d rather stick to clips from the “Great White Hype”, “Rocky I, II, or III" Dang, I'd even prefer knuckling up with Super Macho Man on Mike Tyson’s Punch out.

Now this is a Fight!! For real… what you know about that????

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