Monday, April 19, 2010

Kevin Garnett – the NBA’s New Triple OG

Kevin Garnett suspended for Game 2 of the seven game series with Miami, and rightfully so. Garnett went on to say "I saw Paul grab his shoulder, as a stinger or whatever, so I just tried to immediately call [Celtics trainer] Ed [Lacerte] over," Garnett explained after the game. "I tried to give him some room and I just saw [Quentin Richardson] standing over him talking nonsense. I asked [Richardson] to give him some room and, before you knew it, mayhem started.” Source ESPN.

“I asked to give him some room and mayhem started.” So you mean to tell me you said, Hey Q, could you please move? He said no and a fight broke out? What about the bony chicken wing you dropped on his face? This seems very similar to the incident in Atlanta for the 08 playoffs. Yeah, I was there.

Get it together, you were baited and you fell for it hook-line-and-sinker. Now you will have a front row seat to watch D-Wade drop 40 on your squad while Miami knots the series up 1-1. Congrats to KG, the NBA’s New Triple OG.

Come on DUDE…. You haven’t played ball and someone talked trash? I remember balling and was called Urkel, Nerd boy, Poindexter, Little Professor, and a host of feminine names……

…. And that was by my dad and older brothers!!!

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